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10YearsANoob t1_jdl9tcr wrote

I've noticed this is purely an American phenomenon. Might be because of the insane amount of racism the asians got back then so they branded themselves as pacific islander and it just stuck through the generations and because immigrant populations rarely mix in with the general populace when there's too many of them, new immigrants just adopt the new label too.

Also calling it Philippine Islands (PI) is a purely American phenomenon too. It's PH not PI.


moal09 t1_jdlab5k wrote

Yeah, the filipinos I'm talking about are specifically filipino-americans.

I even personally had a filipino friend who I referred to as "asian" once, and he immediately corrected me and said he wasn't asian.


10YearsANoob t1_jdlagiq wrote

Yeah we just tend to ignore the smug fucks that look down on us until they make a stink on social media. Which is surprisingly frequent.