Landlubber77 t1_je9euvc wrote
> Larger than milk pans
Americans will use anything but the metric system to measure things.
BigCountry76 t1_je9lqcp wrote
As an American I have no idea what a milk pan is so I'm just as confused.
RJFerret t1_jea3lf5 wrote
Milk pan, abbreviated "mp" is part of the metric system, hence not being taught to most Americans.
Ten times smaller are individual egg pans, or "ep".
Ten times larger you've got pizza pan, aka "pp".
Frosti-Feet t1_jea8dhw wrote
So what you’re telling me is that even a small pp is still adequate?
Saxamaphooone t1_jearpkr wrote
For the vast majority of egg pans, yes indeed.
[deleted] t1_jea4h98 wrote
gheebutersnaps87 t1_je9ziqz wrote
Pretty sure it’s just a really big bowl, kinda like a fruit bowl, it was used for separating milk and cream by letting it sit till the cream rises to the top
areolegrande t1_jea4wlg wrote
Montana's a weird place
milkman1218 t1_je9zeg6 wrote
Imperial system was first.
Masque-Obscura-Photo t1_jea6fjw wrote
That's usually the case with outdated systems.
[deleted] t1_jeaj14y wrote
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