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th3h4ck3r t1_jefy7f2 wrote

Here in Spain, the largest meal by far is still lunch. Breakfast is a coffee and a couple of biscuits, and dinner/supper is very light (sandwich, omelet, etc.)


andre5913 t1_jegeyb6 wrote

Same in several countries in latin america (...which makes sense considering our past with Spain).
Breakfast can be sightly bigger, with smth like scrambled eggs, cereal bowl/a sandwitch and coffee, and dinner is even lighter, just a biscuit or so. Sometimes its skipped altogether besides a hot drink.

Lunch is the big one. Taking a siesta is less common though


Prowland12 t1_jegt2ew wrote

I learned this the hard way when I travelled there. The tiny breakfasts made me so upset.