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Spiritual_Meaning321 t1_jdpbyyu wrote

You're right, I just read up on it and it's CRAZY how the whole lake just disappeared. Very, very bad for those reliant on its waters.


themagicbong t1_jdrurx0 wrote

I read the lake was saline, but I'm sure there were still plenty of uses, as you mention, despite the salt. But when I first commented it was like everyone was avoiding the elephant in the room, lol. I can't believe the whole thing just disappeared like that, though. Crazy. And even just the height it was at sorta blew my mind.


Spiritual_Meaning321 t1_jdsicfv wrote

Ohh I thought it was freshwater. I've seen this happen to many rivers in my home country (Bangladesh). Even Lake Ontario's getting more polluted as the days go by. But yea, I was surprised no one was talking about it lol