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yesgirlsusereddit t1_jcrdf1p wrote

If this happened in a movie, I would say they had gone too far to be believable. It's one of those "truth is stranger than fiction" moments


[deleted] t1_jcrurqe wrote

Kinda like how they omitted some things from Hacksaw Ridge because they thought no one would believe it was true.


nickyurick t1_jcs3g7w wrote

Like what for example



[deleted] t1_jcs3szg wrote

“He treated himself for shock and dressed his own wounds, rather than having another medic emerge from safety to help. Five hours later, someone finally arrived with a stretcher. But when Doss saw a soldier in need, he rolled off, surrendered his stretcher, and started patching up his comrade. While Doss was waiting for more help to arrive, a sniper suddenly shot and shattered all of the bones in his left arm. (Hacksaw Ridge director Mel Gibson left this part out of the film because he felt that it was so heroic that audiences wouldn’t even believe that it had really happened.)”


Xendrus t1_jcsby9n wrote

Well fuck him for thinking so little of his audience's intelligence. The people that cared enough to check would have found the truth, the people too lazy to, screw em.


OldKingCanary t1_jcse6ef wrote

This happens all. the. time. It's been a very common thing with movies based on real live events. Real life doesn't have to follow storytelling rules and the stories are often seen as bullshit by viewers because no one bothers to check.


american-titan t1_jcsfqza wrote

"Of course truth is stranger than fiction, fiction actually has to make sense." - Mark Twain


oomio10 t1_jctjz4j wrote

nothing stopping people from doing that anyways


Xendrus t1_jctke8w wrote

Yes but it detracts from the genuineness of the film.


Flapjack_ t1_jcru84w wrote

Reminds me of the ending of Fury that a lot of people consider unrealistic, and it's definitely a stretch, but Audie Murphy did the exact same thing except the tank he was in was on fire.


jlees88 t1_jct9vjf wrote

Another soldier did it in Iraq a few years ago. He was unfortunately killed in action during that fire fight.


FlyingMacheteSponser t1_jcs7kei wrote

You can land a plane that's lost all engine power though (and/or your prop), but without your tail you're screwed.


PickyNipples t1_jcry1ax wrote

Same. I’m no engineer but I would have imagined a prop would take too much damage way before it chopped through another plane. And I definitely would not expect the whole plane to survive. Though tbf im not even sure what these planes looked like. Obviously I’m not saying it isn’t possible, just that it sounds too crazy to believe!


davesoverhere t1_jcs2dk7 wrote

The plane was reconnaissance, so it could have used stretched canvas to skin much of the plane instead of metal.