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Jacollinsver t1_jdfs9rm wrote

This is what was given to Socrates as a death sentence

>The trial of Socrates has always seemed mysterious ... the charges sound vague and unreal ... because behind the stated charges was Socrates's real crime: preaching a philosophy that produced Alcibiades and Critias ... but of course he couldn't be prosecuted for that under the amnesty [which had been declared after the overthrow of the Thirty Tyrants] ... so his accusers made it "not believing the Gods of the city, introducing new gods, and corrupting the youth".


Crepuscular_Animal t1_jdg0u4m wrote

Not exactly the same plant. Socrates is believed to be poisoned with true hemlock Conium maculatum, not hemlock water-dropwort Oenanthe crocata, which is presumably named after the real deal. They are both in the same family that contains a lot of extremely poisonous species, and also edible ones like carrots and parsley.