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Shimaru33 t1_je1n5j9 wrote

Well, trying to be objective and ignoring the topic for this thread, the answer would be yes, but probably not in a significant way. There's a lot more in play than just the size of the person.

People who go to frozen lands, like artic, have to eat a lot, lot more calories to compensate the heat loss. And obviously someone who sits playing video games all day tend to gain weight because they don't burn the calories, even if they don't eat as much as the artic explorer.

Now, assuming two persons with different sizes, similar lifestyle, living in the same weather and with similar health, and considering exclusively the necessary caloric intake to not die, in that case, yeah, the person with a smaller body would need less calories to surive. Not like it would be ethical to test it though.

You could go to r/askscience to start a thread to have a more complete answer, as I'm just some random stranger trying to wild guess.


Nuffsaid98 t1_je1us93 wrote

I was more wondering if it helped them survive where a taller person might have died rather than thinking of it as a thought experiment or something to test.

Did it help them? Did it save them? That kind of thing.