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Rangertough666 t1_ityezza wrote

For those wondering "Why Cleveland?":

After the serum run, Gunnar Kaasen, the musher, took Balto on a nationwide tour. Afterward, the real Balto and his team were sold to a movie producer named Sol Lesser, who made a movie called Balto's Race to Nome (1925), valorizing Balto. After that, the team was sold again and put on exhibit as a curiosity. The dogs were abused, neglected, and forgotten, until a Cleveland businessman named George Kimbal, with the help of Cleveland school children, bought the six remaining dogs for the then-astounding sum of $2,000, which they raised in two weeks. The dogs were brought to the Cleveland Zoo, and lived out their lives in peace. When Balto died in 1933, he was stuffed, and put on display in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.- source: (of all places)


spanishcookingwine t1_ityzm6c wrote

I remember reading this when I was at the museum 2 months ago! Poor dogs. :(


gto1969jdg t1_itzdrj2 wrote

The museum worth a visit?


AkshuallyGuy t1_itzfjhx wrote

It is an absolutely charming relic of a silver age of museums. It's not shiny, glitzy, and multimedia-filled. It's a bit dusty, sometimes campy, and filled with little things that you didn't know you'd be happy you got to see.

Spending a day wandering in and out of museums around University Circle is undoubtedly time well spent.


johnps4010 t1_iu162vz wrote

And then pop over to Little Italy or...the hidden gem Jolly Scholar....for a good bite


gumpters t1_iu1g1x3 wrote

Or head up to Coventry and check out Tommy’s


johnps4010 t1_iu1ojvp wrote

I was just there for the first time last Friday! Absolutely lives up to the hype.

I'm also very jealous of their houseplants


gumpters t1_iu2doge wrote

Nice. Man you guys are making me actually miss Cleveland some lol.


gumpters t1_iu1g4s8 wrote

Or head up to Coventry and check out Tommy’s


BasedChadThundercock t1_iu1ihsw wrote

Another old film museum that's charming and worth a visit is the Clackamas County Jailhouse in Astoria, Oregon. The same Jailhouse featured in The Goonies.


amazingsandwiches t1_itzh5k5 wrote

The Cleveland Art Museum is - it's one of the best in the world!


dragonseye87 t1_itzjr24 wrote

I second this. It is a gem and it is free. When I lived in Cleveland I would go as often as I could. They have a little bit of everything. Beautiful paintings by notable artists, sculpture (they have a thinker) illuminated texts, stained glass, Tiffany silver work, a beautiful garden fountain, there's an arms and armory section that is really cool and you don't see in a lot of art museums. If any of you readers go, find the Cupid and Psyche David painting. It's massive and probably my favorite in the museum.

If the natural history museum is anything like the art museum then it'll be a great experience!


slow_work_day t1_itzkq7d wrote

yeah if i had to pick a museum to really spend the day in i would pass on the nh one. i remember seeing balto and it was kinda depressing how he was just stuffed and hanging out. i guess that's how that stuff works though.


DHooligan t1_itzwabw wrote

Cleveland Natural History Museum, Museum of Art, and Botanical Gardens are all on a circle drive together. In my opinion the Art Museum is the best experience of the three.


johnps4010 t1_iu16avo wrote

I thought the BG was a waste of money tbh. I went to school over there and glad I only visited once. Otherwise the other museums and the surrounding area are charming to say the least. I wish more people could experience it


Drawdehellfire t1_iu01k8y wrote

Definitely. There's also a lot of Easter eggs to look out for hidden in the exhibits, most notably the hamburgers hidden throughout the displays.


DizzyDjango t1_ityvmo4 wrote

The real question IMO, is where is the love for Togo? The true savior of the 1925 serum run.

Edit: didn’t know how hashtags work on Reddit apparently


SimonReach t1_itz27hg wrote

I watched the Willem Dafoe movie on Disney Plus, I struggled to get through the movie without getting very emotional. I’ve got 2 Huskies so the scenes hit close to home, incredible story


zzid2d21 t1_iu02e3u wrote

Jane you seen “8 Below”? I have Malamutes and that movie makes me cry.


Sparkybear t1_itzfct5 wrote

Togo often ran away for a few months and wasn't around for the press tour, Balto was chosen because Togo wasn't back yet and the press couldn't wait.


zzid2d21 t1_iu028qb wrote

And Fox! Who didn’t have a “cool” name so didn’t get love from the press….


Sparkybear t1_itzf8vj wrote

It's important to note that Balto was chosen because the dog that actually lead the majority of the run had run away for a few months immediately after the race, as it often did, and the musher couldn't get the press to wait and was forced to bring Balto with him.


utecr t1_itzby2q wrote

Thank you. My first thought was, indeed, “Why Cleveland?” Nice to know it’s where Balto and the surviving team got the hero treatment they deserved.