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leadchipmunk t1_iqp19jq wrote

It's an American website from an American company with the majority of users being, get this, American. Would you get upset about Wykop being Polish, Tianya Club being Chinese centric or Pikabu being Russian centered?


[deleted] t1_iqpaz25 wrote



leadchipmunk t1_iqpewzs wrote

  1. I'm fairly certain that over 51% is a majority.

  2. It isn't inconsiderate to think that the majority of people will understand you.

  3. I'm not aware of OP leaving his/her country to post this.

  4. Reddit is an American website as the company is American, as are the majority of its users (see first point above).

  5. And it's not my post, so yeah, that would be really hard for me to do.


hatersaurusrex t1_iqpimjy wrote

Why did you type your response in English? Couldn't you have been considerate and translated it to several other languages so as not to cause any inconvenience to your readers?

This r/EnglishDefaultism needs to stop.