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BigDKane t1_iqu7sm3 wrote

Such a great 30 for 30 from ESPN. It was a very interesting film. Not sure how close it actually was, but they play it up like he was very very close to pulling it off.


bigbigjohnson t1_iqufxtr wrote

Came here to say this, great episode and a fantastic story! Like how many times did he use the “ohh they forgot a zero on that cheque” excuse and kept the NHL strung along..


Unlucky-Cake-6773 t1_iqwu501 wrote

It blows my mind that he showed up to the original deal without enough money and the previous owner sold anyway.

He was supposed to bring a certain amount and showed up with less than half and the original owner went through with the sale anyway.


bigbigjohnson t1_iqxhypv wrote

So many red flags! And wasn’t it the Dallas Stars he tried to purchase first and they were like uhhh hell naw this guy ain’t legit?


jacobjer t1_iquhcgy wrote

So many hockey stories would be great 30 for 30s - the concussion issue - could use lindros - patty L - and move to Crosby - good luck getting the nhl to participate though.

The Steve Moore incident the lead up and the legal aftermath would be another.


canuck_11 t1_iqv23lv wrote

They introduced him as the new owner at a game and the crowd was chanting his name. Such a bizarre story.


-Tom- t1_iqv3nlv wrote

I can't believe how few 30 for 30s are about hockey. I think only 3? (The 4th being all sports with the OJ chase thing).

I cant specifically think of any hockey stories to tell but it blows me away that there aren't more


The_Long_Wait t1_iqvb2z6 wrote

There’s a scene in that 30 for 30 where he’s talking about staying awake through nights trying to come up with some excuse that he could use to hold them off for just a little longer, and it gives me the stress version of a contact high any time that I see it.


Unlucky-Cake-6773 t1_iqw8sfa wrote

I loved that 30 for 30, but I dont think they made it seem like he was ever close to pulling it off.

He said in the interviews he was wide awake all night thinking of how he would come up with another excuse. The closest thing was one person said they heard another company was going to give him a few billion dollars in loans if he got a TV deal or something, but that would have just been kicking the can a bit since he could obviously not afford to pay that back


BigDKane t1_iqwkrra wrote

Might have just been the vibe I was getting.


ArchiNerd1967 t1_iqu9s7u wrote

That's OK because the Islanders still aren't worth $165M. Signed, a Rangers fan.


garet400 t1_iqutjhy wrote

If the Islanders aren't worth 165M what are the Rangers worth?


[deleted] t1_iquz8qz wrote

Rangers are the most valuable team in the NHL, valued at 2 billion


sail3r t1_iqv9lgd wrote

…. they’re the cowboys of the nhl. Big money disappointments, signed lifelong Dallas sports fan.


coolpapa2282 t1_iqwc5be wrote

It's really incredible how much Jerry has managed to milk the "America's Team" angle ever since the Aikman/Irvin/Smith years. When I was a kid the Cowboys were so good, so every 10-year-old wanted a Cowboys Starter jacket. They've never let go of that momentum despite...shall we say mixed success.


Valorale t1_iqwa5kx wrote

Ah yes. If only you could be as lucky as the Redskins Commanders fans. They start every season with no hope and their expectations are met every time.


pjabrony t1_ir0zkxc wrote

The Cowboys at least won consecutive titles.


Damolisher t1_iqu8geb wrote

And once they got everything sorted out and everything was all square, I'm sure nothing bad EVER happened to the Islanders again. >_>


dv666 t1_iqwaefw wrote

Two words: Mike Milbury


Damolisher t1_iqwkwf2 wrote

Yeah, I was being facetious. Milbury was like the three plagues at once.


Wendals87 t1_iquh82y wrote

I swear i sent you the cheque on the mail!

I'll transfer the money on my pay day I swear

I'm just waiting for my inheritances money to come through

You see i was on my way to the bank to deposit the money and I got ambushed by a bunch of terrorist ninjas


Unlucky-Cake-6773 t1_iqw8z26 wrote

> You see i was on my way to the bank to deposit the money and I got ambushed by a bunch of terrorist ninjas

He basically used this excuse except instead of "terrorist ninjas" he used "the IRA"


JetPunk t1_iqu51r4 wrote

Seems like he'd fit right in on Wall Street.


Kimchi_Cowboy t1_iquyb9m wrote

Would that even cover DiPietros 500 year contract?


Boring-Pudding t1_iqutdvn wrote

His daughter, Jessica, grew up to be a guidance counselor at her old high school or something. I don't know, the reboot was weird.


TheVeikko t1_iquw6b5 wrote

Is there some explanation on what kind of scam he tried or was it just someone who thought they'd somehow get the money required for the purchase?


meetmyfriendme t1_iqv13a5 wrote

Didn’t this guy just try to buy Twitter?


somebodyelse22 t1_iqv58w9 wrote

Don't let my wife see this. I bet her four million dollars about something yesterday, and lost. Wonder if she'll go double or quits on something else.?


LunarAlloy t1_iqxjase wrote

Surprised the bank didn't just lend him the money. 99% certain Gillette who'd been bankrupt twice didn't have all the money when he bought the Canadians for whatever it was and I'm pretty sure he didn't have 500 million to buy half of Liverpool. (Granted he went into the deals with the bank agreement in hand)


chris622 t1_iqxg6hs wrote

Was this the guy behind the fisherman logo and jersey?