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blue-cube t1_iqwxmoe wrote

Two of his three sons were still alive at the time of the William's second marriage to Emma (from the photo, not a looker).

>Emma was one of several daughters of a minor German prince, with very moderate marriage prospects, and her parents were enthused by the idea that their daughter would become a queen on her wedding day.


>An immensely popular member of the Dutch Royal Family, Queen Emma served as regent for her daughter, Queen Wilhelmina, during the latter's minority from 1890 until 1898.


himbologic t1_iqy2jrm wrote

Asking the real questions. Why was Queen Emma not snatched? Did she forsake her yassification pills? What of her skincare regimen--did she not most earnestly endeavor to comply every day? I, a humble reddit user of the year of our Lord 2022, must know why this middle aged woman from 1900 is not to my liking. For if she is not fuckable to my own specifications, why then do we keep record of her? I say we cast her into obscurity! Begone, foul wretch! I'd never fuck you!

"Not a looker." I hate reddit.


highoncraze t1_iqy7vkl wrote

With Reddit, as with all things in life, we take the good with the bad.


himbologic t1_iqy8da9 wrote

Your words of wisdom have returned me to equilibrium.


Fishwhocantswim t1_iqyg829 wrote

With the dawn of photography, I wonder if many of the royals that absolutely needed portraits ever prefer paintings still so they don't look as ghastly from that wretched invention that shows warts and all.


weirdwallace75 t1_iqzjou5 wrote

> Did she forsake her yassification pills?

What in the world are you inaning about?


LaoBa t1_iqyor8n wrote

Emma always spoke French with her husband, as he didn't speak German and her Dutch was very limited in the beginning.