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Farscape_rocked t1_iudc9au wrote

Talking of naming stuff in an unexpected way, MySQL is named after the daughter of one of its creators, My.


towhomnottowho t1_iuddp1x wrote

Where does the “despite” part of this come in?


Pkmatrix0079 t1_iudhxae wrote

Speaking as someone from the area, almost everyone thinks the bridge is named "Outerbridge Crossing" because it is New York City's outermost bridge. That it's actually named after a person named Outerbridge is usually a shock whenever it gets brought up. It's just a coincidence that it's turned out to be also the city's outermost bridge.


SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_iudjecb wrote

It sounds like they just ran outerbridge names


lad_astro t1_iufi3g7 wrote

A bit like sideburns. It seems like a pretty sensible name to give them, but they are in fact named after an American Civil War general called Ambrose Burnside


cheesefondue t1_iugc13b wrote

They called it outerbridge crossing?! Instead of… well, you know


GenErik t1_iuggcvx wrote

We have a Story Bridge, which I thought was very poetic until I found out it was named after some dude named Story.