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rubemechanical t1_iu7bzwf wrote

You know that episode of Doctor Who where the Doctor takes Van Gogh to a modern exhibit and shows him how his artwork came to inspire and delight millions? Who ELSE in history is deserving of that treatment?


merkitt t1_iu8hvue wrote

There is a short story where the inventor of a time machine secretly enrolls Shakespeare in a class on Shakespearean works. He fails it.


wizardvictor t1_iu84ukz wrote

Norm Macdonald


_-C0URAGE-_ t1_iua11e7 wrote

RIP. I barely figured out who he was and started looking up videos of him a year before he passed. I only knew him as “that guy with the voice named Norm”, hearing him on radio talk shows, always made me laugh. Now, I found the Norm Macdonald Live show after he passed, makes me appreciate him even more. Wish he had more time.


capsaicinintheeyes OP t1_iu9kz5r wrote

You'd need to send somebody with a thick skin for periodic racist screeds, but HP Lovecraft