no_step t1_iu639br wrote
>A recent TIL (Today I Learned) thread on Reddit elicited similar interest, but no clear answers.
It says right in your link that this is a repost
Passionate_Wobat t1_iu68jh1 wrote
It isn't nearly as fun as advertised.
[deleted] t1_iu6i0qk wrote
MuthaPlucka t1_iu6tqdt wrote
How much is parking?
sephstorm t1_iu6zum4 wrote
So your mom is there?
(lol love you)
Heres_your_sign t1_iu71qj4 wrote
Ok. This really needs to be on my bucket list as a smoke spot.
myusernamehere1 t1_iu731pd wrote
Thats fine just as long as you mean to smoke crack
voucher420 t1_iu7kwyq wrote
[deleted] t1_iu7w0aw wrote
intensedaze t1_iu883ey wrote
Wait till you hear about the "Crack is Wack" park in NYC.
The_Difficult_Part t1_iu8pr99 wrote
There's also a park called Bong Recreational Center in Illinois
Conscious_Bend_7308 t1_iua5zca wrote
The article misidentifies Richland County as "Richmond County," which doesn't exist. The lake is a reservoir located near a rehab center. It's actually named Village Lake, after the center.
_jamesbaxter t1_iua90pi wrote
It’s on the property of a rehab and not open to the public sooo…. probably wouldn’t recommend
GuiltyWatts t1_iubu1rc wrote
Was here to comment that. Also, didn’t know this was real. Also, didn’t realize I grew up 10 miles from it.
Conscious_Bend_7308 t1_iufu56f wrote
I grew up in Columbia and never heard of it. I have seen Richland called Richmond by out-of-staters though. People seem to think Virginia and the Carolinas are all one state.
GuiltyWatts t1_iugbhhk wrote
Yep, high school and college in Columbia. I was a Richland Two kid. And seriously, how hard is it to read an “L”? RICHLAND COUNTY. Sorry, was having flashbacks lol
B-in-Va t1_iu62fz1 wrote
There is one in every other town, but that is the unofficial name for them.