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jthanson t1_irdpsq0 wrote

The Revisionist History podcast had a great episode about the experiment that demonstrated the improvement from adding iodine to salt.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_ire7mby wrote

Can you TLDR what they did?


NeedlessUnification t1_ireaukr wrote

Dr talked a school principal into introducing iodized salt to schoolchildren, specifically girls. There were no rules or regulations about such things then. It was a huge success but would never happen in today’s society. Gladwell wishes/imagines being able to do this with vaccines, specifically Covid vaccines.


ItsCalledDayTwa t1_irebcw0 wrote

I meant what the experiment to demonstrate the improvement was.


NeedlessUnification t1_irec2m4 wrote

The first sentence covers it. Dr talked to a principal of a school nearby ( I think in Cleveland) to see if he could try it. They said “ hell no”. Then he talked to a principal in Akron ( I think) and they agreed. It was not an FDA regulated double blind study. He simply talked the principal into replacing salt with iodized salt.


AlwaysChildish t1_irev27h wrote

I think they mean why did the doctor think it would do anything in the first place


NeedlessUnification t1_irf0cjn wrote

Dr noticed that goiters were prevalent in the Midwest from WW1 soldier fitness studies (I think), noticed that further from salt water you were, the more likely you were to have goiters. Figured it had to do with salt or saltwater seafood, eventually isolated it to iodine. Had experimented with dogs before moving on to people.

Edit: it has been a while since I heard the episode, basing it on my memory. My wife contends my memory is an unreliable narrator.


AlwaysChildish t1_irflyqp wrote

Awesome answer! Thank you!


Mysticpoisen t1_irg0oq3 wrote

Also fun fact, the reason both the Midwest and European alpine countries both had such large goiter epidemics is because glaciers had swept those regions, greatly reducing the iodine content in the soil.


hitforhelp t1_irgn8h2 wrote

I too listened to that episode recently. It was a crossover episode from the world's greatest con podcast.