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insiderRaiding t1_irexhn3 wrote

Most of the interstate freeway system wasn't built until the 50s. The rural highways in the article were often 1 lane roads in each direction. People in the 40s didn't generally choose to live so far from their workplaces as we do today.


Individual_Ad2579 t1_ireyucn wrote

It’s a good thing I mentioned “these days” then


Smooth-Dig2250 t1_irfgzxo wrote

The implication is that the interstate freeway system would have a higher mph rating. Which, it got, @ 55mph as the "most efficient speed". You're comparing two situations that are dissimilar in the important aspect.


Individual_Ad2579 t1_irfos9x wrote

That’s why I used the word “imagine” and “these days” it was a hypothetical situation on how it would be portrayed these days IF they made it mandatory for 35 mph on the freeway

Edit: don’t understand the downvotes on what was clearly stated in the comment I had posted. Some salty ass people I guess. Or just Reddit culture to downvote anything they see downvoted.


AZymph t1_ireuol1 wrote

I can't imagine having to go that slow for any serious length work commute let alone full highway travel. Trying to visit family would have been a nightmare


[deleted] t1_irex7zr wrote



BanzaiTree t1_irf16ef wrote

They were, they simply didn’t travel as far as we commonly do today.


[deleted] t1_irg8hm7 wrote



madsd12 t1_irg2gfi wrote

In the early to mid 40´s, germany had alot of tourists.


gramathy t1_irggu8z wrote

>I can't imagine having to go that slow for any serious length work commute

are you kidding, this is an upgrade in LA and the bay area


ShalmaneserIII t1_irget8i wrote

That works. Cutting out long discretionary trips seems like part of the plan.


Zealousideal_Role189 t1_irh9ohq wrote

I can’t imagine any sort of voluntary participation thing that we could get even a third of the country to reliably do. Anything coming from the top-down automatically loses half of the population.

Sometimes I think about everything we use social security numbers for and all the different uses they have in a modern technology-driven society. Can you imagine if the federal government told the citizens of today that they were going to assign everyone a number to help keep track of them? I don’t think it would go over smoothly.