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M0rqu1ng4 t1_iu3d6lg wrote

Maybe I'm missing something, buy isn't an octave only eight notes..?


GingerlyRough t1_iu3dbw8 wrote

Plus sharps/flats.

C, #, D, #, E, F, #, G, #, A, #, B


M0rqu1ng4 t1_iu3diy8 wrote

Yup, forgot the sharps/flats... Ignore me, carry on... ;)


_twintasking_ t1_iu4jfls wrote

Saw your other post and was like "yeah! What's up with that?!" Then saw the response and thought "I'm an idiot, duh....." (I've been involved with music since I was old enough to sing, so like 23 years, and somehow that escaped me, but I also just woke up and haven't had coffee yet)