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GZAofTheMidwest t1_is4kc1o wrote

The pottery scene was the key differentiator.


deadwlkn t1_is4lmi9 wrote

That's by far my most favorite horror movie.


jar1967 t1_is4o9zp wrote

For the young men out there Watching Ghost with your girlfriend will most likely end with you getting laid


HairyNutsackNumber9 t1_is4p5sn wrote

ghost isnt a ghost movie its a love story.... with... a ghost...


sprint6864 t1_is4t162 wrote

Which is interesting, being as it's largely inspired by a classic and popular Twilight Zone episode


goteamnick t1_is4xes8 wrote

This is pretty confusing, given Ghost was released before Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder also barely made back its budget.


lambuscred t1_is5ia7z wrote

To be fair Ghost is a romance movie with a ghost in it. Jacob’s Ladder is pretty explicitly about a ghost.


savehoward t1_is5kg38 wrote

I think this says more about how a small number if movie execs know less about which scripts are good rather than a writer’s ability to write well.


falconuruguay t1_is6wz9n wrote

Jacob's Ladder was a damn good movie...a real mindfuck!

I do recommend that you watch the movie more than once, just so you can see everything you will miss on the 1st viewing


Sometimes_She_Goes t1_is74iei wrote

This film was dark af. I really enjoyed it. Would recommend.


substantial-freud t1_isfhtie wrote

“Nobody knows anything. Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess.”
― William Goldman, Adventures in the Screen Trade

”We don’t like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out.”
—Decca Recording Company executive Dick Rowe, declining to sign the Beatles in 1962