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coelurosauravus t1_is80cop wrote

Used to work the door to door component of Honda's recall outreach prior to the pandemic.

I get that given the number of airbag deaths is low compared to total number of affected components that it seems like the risks are low. Don't care.

Get it done, call your Honda dealer, it's free and the repair once the car rolls into the shop is under 15 minutes for the steering wheel and a little bit longer for the passenger component.

It's like having a shotgun or claymore pointed at your face, and even mundane tiny bumps can trigger the airbag sensor the old your car gets.

One dealer I worked with said a girl literally got out of her car at the dealer(key in ignition, I believe still running) and slammed the door closed in prep to get something out of her back seat and the airbag deployed with shrapnel. Luckily it was just a new seat for her car that was needed

Edit: clarity


FateEntity t1_is8rcmt wrote

Are all air bag replacement free? I'm driving a 1993 Honda Accord LX. Been in two minor accidents and air bags never went off, but someone else owned this car before me.


coelurosauravus t1_is8sgw1 wrote

To answer your question, it is highly unlikely your car is affected by this specific recall.

Most Honda models that were affected were between the years 2001-2016ish? Maybe even into 2018. It was also not uniform across models. '01 accords had mostly the driver side affected but passenger side would be fine and the civics would usually have both affected.

Without looking at your car, my guess is your airbags probably failed to deploy from vehicle and component age. Electrical components and sensors get funky over time. For all I know your inflator in your car may be disconnected or you may not have an inflator at all. I'm looking through some Google searches and it says some accord sedan body types dont have passenger airbags


Swag_Grenade t1_is9gk0j wrote

Damn I drive a 2008 Civic I'm gonna have to check on this. This is the first time I've even heard of any of this shit, kind of agitating TBH.

I did get into an accident in a 2007 Civic where the airbags deployed, luckily no one's fucking neck was sliced open. Didn't think too much of it since, but what the fuck.


FateEntity t1_is8t0qb wrote

Gotcha, thank you! Yeah mine does not have a passenger one.


Stoopidshthead t1_isa7xfo wrote

Not just Honda, I have an ‘05 Mercedes with one in the steering wheel.


haveyouseenthebridge t1_is8vvw8 wrote

My 2006 Honda Civic Si had this recall. Honda would literally send me letters once a month begging me to take it in...letters in Spanish, bribes of gift was quite impressive. They even followed me through like four changes of address.


Swag_Grenade t1_is9g9wo wrote

Fuckin A I drive a 2008 Civic and this is the first I've heard of any of this shit. Although I don't recall ever receiving a letter from Honda so hopefully that's a good thing. Probably gonna look my car up just to be sure though.

I did get into an accident in a 2007 Civic and the airbags deployed, luckily no one's fucking neck was sliced open. Didn't think too much of it then, but fuck.


B_U_F_U t1_isagfru wrote

Take it to a Honda dealership and let them know you have an affected vehicle.


FoxNo1738 t1_isw7nvf wrote

Because even if someone is a moron and refuses to bring their car back the media storm still makes Honda look bad.


Billy1121 t1_is9rtid wrote

This isn't just honda though right? I thought it was all kinds


coelurosauravus t1_isa081y wrote

Basically everyone was affected, but it was to what degree. Honda was the most affected. At one point, the team I was on just regionally within our state started out looking for about 2,000 alphas(highest risk), then it ballooned to about 10,000 phase two vehicles a little less than a year later. We never got close to all affected Hondas by the time the pandemic hit.

The scale of resources required to reach everyone was expensive for Honda and it was stunning to encounter people who really did not care or were utterly hostile to you visiting. It would not surprise me if Honda has spent 4-5 billion dollars to this point


Lolli-Pot t1_isat0li wrote

The dealership I live by won't service my Acura because they don't have the parts and the closest one that does is an hour away in a big, traffic filled city. Hate driving a time bomb.


coelurosauravus t1_isau2v7 wrote

This was a huge contention point between Honda and Acura. Despite many Hondas and Acuras sharing models and parts, the dealers hate the paperwork to do crossovers. There's also a weird distance minimum that has to be covered for a Honda dealer to be "allowed" to handle the Acura repair.

If you have any mail or door material with regard to your vehicle that has a contact number to the national office, I'd suggest getting in touch with them. Dealers are sensitive pains in the ass to work with sometimes

Edit: have your VIN on hand. Also, depending on if you need your vehicle there may be an option for either a rental or a tow-fix-return tow.


FoxNo1738 t1_isw7rf8 wrote

See this is where head office is meant to call up the brand managers and put the fear of god into them for playing stupid games on this.