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Brock_Way t1_iu3c2p6 wrote

This is one of the many things I said 20 years ago about HIV in particular and got hounded into oblivion by the nutters talking about "you're going to get people killed; if you knew anything about science... "

Meanwhile I was QUOTING the science. All these variables were published in the sero-discordant couples articles. They even published the statistics related to seroconversion after single instance of vaginal sex. People thought wearing a condom reduced your chance of seroconversion from near certain to one in a million or some shit.

The truth turned out to be that wearing a condom changed your odds from about 1:1,000 to about 1:5,000.

If that is going to change your behavior fundamentally, okay....


bigbbypddingsnatchr OP t1_iu3f19u wrote

Are you talking specifically about lambskin condoms?