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DaddyJBird t1_iwq4h7k wrote

Well there’s always that Japanese soldier that remained at his post for like 25 years because he was never to.d the war had ended. My time frame may be off but I know the dude was in the jungle a long time.


Guac__is__extra__ t1_iwqcbqg wrote

That was a crazy story. If I remember correctly, they had to track down his commanding officer from the war and take him out there to convince the guy that it wasn’t a trick.


RGJ587 t1_iwrt6x7 wrote

IIRC, he knew the war was over, and knew it wasn't a trick. But he was a loyal soldier following orders and refused to stand down unless his commanding officer told him to do so.

It was an honor thing for him, not a "I don't believe you" thing.


topdownviewofarabbit t1_iws0cuf wrote

That's actually not true though. He himself said he didn't believe it and thought all the notes were tricks.


ambientsound12 t1_iwreh0l wrote

If it is at all the story I am thinking of, of it was a Japanese soldier on one of the Philippine Islands. They actually sent SEVERAL groups of people to the island, including groups of his own family, with bullhorns and pamphlets from Japan and his family, telling him the war was over. HE didn't believe it because he assumed Japan would never surrender (he didn't know about nuclear warheads....) and that all of it was a bunch of traps. They tried to save him for years but he just refused to believe Japan would lose in spite of his family and his own government telling him otherwise. Commitment or stupidity, take your pick.


1-800-HENTAI-PORN t1_iws16u0 wrote

Commitment stretched into the realm of stupidity, I'd say. I'll give the man credit, his persistence is legendary.