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sharrrper t1_iwxahkk wrote

Reportedly a good way to lower suicide rates is just to put some fences on a bridge. A surprising number of people will not find an alternative if their first option isn't available.

It doesn't stop everyone but just making or harder does in fact stop some people from going through with it. Like they get there and are all prepared to jump and then there's a fence in the way, it's not easy to climb, and now the moment has kind of passed, guess I'll just carry on for now.

If someone really wants to kill themselves they will. But just throwing a speed bump in their path will buy a lot more time for them to get better than you might think.


GaijinFoot t1_iwys8rl wrote

I think the notion is suicide is planned. Which it can be. But I'm sure there's a lot of opportunitistic ones where they get a text at the wrong time at the wrong place and just say 'fuck it' and jump


sweet_tranquility t1_iwysjlc wrote

>Reportedly a good way to lower suicide rates is just to put some fences on a bridge.

No, a good way to lower suicide is to make suicide attempts punishable and illegal and criminalize the act. It works in countries where it is illegal or religious.


Thatswhyirun t1_iwyxdee wrote

As someone who has survived a suicide attempt, this would have just thrown salt in the wound and ruined my life further. Shame on you.


ToTasteAcid t1_iwz4uqm wrote

I'm glad you're still here with us.

I was taught in a class to not say "commit suicide" as committing is similar to committing a sin or crime and it's important not to stigmatize the topic. They said it's important to ask, "are you planning on ending your life?" or something similar. The point is to make it normal to discuss it so help can be given.


sweet_tranquility t1_iwyxtlx wrote

I am talking about countries that criminalized suicide like muslim countries or any other religious countries. I do not meant to hurt people. Are you saying that what I mentioned in the above comments is not true. I don't support these laws too.


Frostygale t1_iwz07k5 wrote

As somebody who lives in a country where suicide is illegal, lmao no it does not help. Moron.


sweet_tranquility t1_iwzgern wrote

Maybe it doesn't help people try to kill themselves but it definitely helps to lower the suicide rate in the country.