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corycutstrees t1_ixoulqq wrote

Some radio stations play it every thanksgiving since the events in the song begin on thanksgiving day.

I didn’t grow up with my parents playing it, but I’ve played it on thanksgiving every year since 2004 when I was 14 and first heard it on the radio on the way to a family thanksgiving lunch.

I called my folks today and what are they doing? Listening to Alice’s Restaurant in my absence. They have apparently done that every year since I moved out of the state (10 years ago). It made me feel very loved.


TheOutbreak t1_ixovp2p wrote

I guess I should have read the lyrics, thank you for further explanation. It makes a lot more sense now.

It really seemed like y'all were saying "here is an anti-draft/anti-vietnam song we play on Thanksgiving just because" which sounds just as bizarre as Unfortunate Son being a classic Christmas jingle.