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LiamTheHuman t1_iyc2q4b wrote

Imagine little pieces of food floating around everywhere.


MonkeysOnMyBottom t1_iycex5a wrote

Do you want ants bred specifically for zero-g? Because that is how you get ants bred specifically for zero-g!


Illogical_Blox t1_iycu5uj wrote

Small pieces of things get into sensitive equipment and foul it up.


RTSUbiytsa t1_iycb4dg wrote

Crumbs from bread could get into (I believe) the oxidizer (don't quote me this is all from memory at 4 AM) which could then set fire to it and cause a complete destruction of the craft

It was something along those lines, like it's not just that there are little bits of food going around, it's cause of a severe danger - same reason why space pens were invented instead of just using pencils, cause those bits of lead you wipe away after writing don't just go away in space, they get sucked into the ventilation and fuck shit up