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Colonel_Green t1_iy8rp0s wrote

Stories are way more drawn out now than they were 40 years ago. Back then 99% of TV plots were resolved within 1 or 2 episodes. Shows with ongoing storylines were rare outside soap operas.


Hobbs512 t1_iy95h03 wrote

Well on average I think an episode of serialized tv is more expensive and time consuming to produce than a one off, flavor of the week plot. I heard people expect more nowadays in terms of quality when it comes to TV. In the same sense that video games have gotten more expensive to produce, when adjusted for inflation, you gotta spend alot more in order to avoid negative ratings now. That's just paraphrasing I heard somwhere else though. But I can see how a tv show with hardly any special effects that focuses more on dialogue and character development like start trek TNG vs modern trek, would get less attention.