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RedSonGamble t1_iyarwqb wrote

It’s why some people always are in a new relationship. And it makes sense love is fun! But ya know it can also be hurtful bc that person is like I love you and wanna be with you forever. Then a month later they’re like ehhhh this has kind of run it’s course so yeah bye


DietInTheRiceFactory t1_iyav28o wrote

Yeah, there really needs to be a better differentiation between infatuation and love. Infatuation, not love, is the thing that causes obsession in the early part of a relationship.

And it fades.


TheAdmiralMoses t1_iyavq83 wrote

Jokes on you I have abandonment issues so I am infatuated whenever my SO pays any attention to me, lasted me 6 months last relationship.

^Also ^kinda ^means ^I'm ^very ^insecure ^when ^they're ^not, ^but ^whatever


InfiniteV t1_iybc552 wrote

Sounds like you have an anxious attachment style. Join us at /r/anxiousattachment


lactose_con_leche t1_iyaz7yu wrote

Long term love doesn’t feel like a super rush that you come down from. It is much more nuanced and builds trust. This is why I don’t think “love” can be measured in the brain, because it is an oversimplification to say that it is just an emotional rush from feel good chemicals. Long term love doesn’t always even feel good. Many times it means taking care of them when you’re tired and multiple other cases where there is no immediate brain reward but you know its the right thing to do for your partner.


GyreCarline t1_iyb023d wrote

Yes, this. I don't think I would describe the rush of feel good chemicals when falling in love as love at all. It's more like a biological attachment response. Love is a conscious choice that must be made every day, long after the initial high of attachment subsides.