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sdagenham t1_ixm0nwl wrote

> In 1984, Sharma became the first Indian citizen to enter space when he flew aboard the Soviet rocket Soyuz T-11 launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic on 3 April 1984.

India didn't send anyone into space. Soviet Union did.


shugerdaddy t1_ixmh8hg wrote

Aah thank you! I knew the indians wouldnt know how lmao


BabyTRexArms t1_ixp2lqw wrote

Lol what? There’s only a certain amount of countries that can launch into space. Hell, before SpaceX, the US was using Soyuz too. You’re just kind of a jackass aren’t ya.


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixm12qg wrote

The post is about the first Indian... grow up


sdagenham t1_ixm1s55 wrote

The post is about the first Indian for whom the Indian government bought a ticket on a Soviet rocket.


JacobGouchi t1_ixm7tjy wrote

Yes.. the first Indian to go to space.. lol pretty easy concept to understand. Not sure if you’re that ignorant or if you’re just trying to be a dick, but you’re coming across as both in this instance.


bougienative t1_ixmuk8p wrote

The title directly states that India is the 14th country to send a man to space. He's pointing out this statement is false, because India did not send the man to space.

This has to do with the second claim in the title, not the first, nobody is disagreeing that he is the first Indian to go to space.

And no, pointing out misinformation on an educational subreddit is neither being a dick nor is it ignorant.


cey97 t1_ixnsnji wrote

Isn't "nation" usually used to indicate the population, whereas "country" is for the political entity only? If that's the case, title isn't false at all.


bougienative t1_ixntl2h wrote

it was Russian people who sent him to space, in a program created by the Russian government. So both nation and country would be wrong.


Say10sadvocate t1_ixlon2q wrote

When does space get the "outer" title?

Is there a certain distance where "space" becomes "outer space?"


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixlpt7b wrote

In theory the space begins roughly after 80km(50 miles) from the sea level. The imaginative boundary that separates the space is known as Kàrmàn line. And broadly, outer space begins where the atmosphere alone is not enough to support a flying vessel at suborbital speeds.


milkysway1 t1_ixmms5x wrote

Alive and well? At the time? Or now?


lilbigd1ck t1_ixlq0kz wrote

Alive and well? Is there a conspiracy that he's actually dead?


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixlrnuz wrote

Yes people think he's dead but the gov never disclosed it to the public.


Frangiblepani t1_ixlmb28 wrote

The 14th nation to send a person into space out of how many?

Edit: to date


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixlp2jr wrote

Pretty much all the Independent nations were trying to develop their space agencies that time.


sdagenham t1_ixm00il wrote

Sure. Bolivia, Luxemburg, Ghana... All the "Independent nations" were trying to develop their "space agencies" that time.


[deleted] t1_ixmcuop wrote

1984, a terrible time in India. The sikh genocide took place and my grandparents luckily were okay.


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixmdp4k wrote

Yeah bro RIP to Martyrs.. Good for you your grandparents were okay.


[deleted] t1_ixmecd7 wrote

Thank you bro, Parnam shaheed nu 🙏


CJDownUnder t1_ixnvxcw wrote

Well this post took a left turn.


[deleted] t1_ixnweed wrote

Gotta expose the Indian government lol. They also have a UK sikh reporter that they have been torturing for 1000 days because he exposed more facts about the genocide.


xtBADGERtx77 t1_ixpw2qo wrote

I don't believe 14 Nations have launched people into space. Is the original post supposed to say the 14th nationality to go to space?


patmartone t1_ixln9sr wrote

14th? Not exactly a space race. More like a space jog.


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixloo13 wrote

India was never in the race.. It was a race only for those who participated in the 'cold war'. Indians were neutral like the swiss in the WW2 and Cold war. India had just got its independence from the Brits in 1947. In 30 years India developed its whole space agency 'ISRO' from then it has been making innovations. Like successfully sending a satellite to Mars in the very first attempt.


sdagenham t1_ixm1646 wrote

It was a race between countries that actually developed the technology (United States and Soviet Union). India contributed nothing to the tech that actually got Rakesh Sharma into space since he flew on a Soviet rocket.


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixm1ulm wrote

Chill out bro the post is not at all about that


JacobGouchi t1_ixm80tt wrote

It is this child’s mission today to try and correct something that doesn’t need to be corrected lol


coredump3d t1_ixpfki5 wrote

Technically Indian poster hasn't said wrong. Japanese space program is advanced but we also send our people on NASA rockets


MacRubys t1_ixlks92 wrote

Cool. Most people don't give a shit who goes into space because it's not like any of us will.


shugerdaddy t1_ixlkhuz wrote

this country has no business going to space, the poor terrible state its in.


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixloygu wrote

The terrible state is because of the men in power. First the Brits and now the capitalists. There's no shortage of resources, talent and hard workers in India.


shugerdaddy t1_ixlp3sx wrote

I agree mate its always the power hungry wealth hungry that need the masses enslaved so their wealth and power can grow


CrAzY_cOdeR4 OP t1_ixlsgmi wrote

Yes the same happened with India, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer/or died. For example, I don't know if you know or not about Gautam Adani, the 3rd richest man right now. His wealth grew by 67% in the last year whereas Elon Musk's growth was around 40%.


shugerdaddy t1_ixmkcfo wrote

Yea i know. Theyre all the same filthy people. Making money off the hard working poor folk.

I dont understand why indians dont rise up to their own govmnt. Making billion dollar parlaiment buildings, space programs etc and cant even fix its own country ffs

Ontop of that theyre getting away with not paying for carbon use cos they still deemed as "developing country" so they have no business playing with space and sea crap. Fix the in home problems!

But nooooooo soooo much pride and ego in all of the eastern african places its disgusting no wonder they never move up in the world.


HungryHungryHippoes9 t1_ixlxkfx wrote

India's space program is actually profitable, employs thousands of people from highly educated engineers, to low level welders and sweepers. It helps to lessen the brain drain that's happening in other sectors and it's saved thousands of Indian lives from natural disasters.