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I_POST_RANDOM_CRAP t1_ix1t9xh wrote

I guess Disney's Pocahontas made it cool to have a raccoon friend. Those fat little furry blubber balls of teeth and rabies are NOT good pets.


ChevExpressMan t1_ix1uc5e wrote

That's why you don't adopt the rabid ones.....


amborg t1_ix1vuq4 wrote

Even the non-rabid ones are super hard to take care of. They’re not hard to keep alive, but they don’t want to be captive and will destroy your house.


Gekokapowco t1_ix1v3i8 wrote

Eh still, they aren't really domesticated, so owning one would still be asking for trouble


nunziavaer543210 t1_ix6eawo wrote

not only rabies, but raccoons carry a deadly parasite, raccoon roundworms.