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t1_ixaomjp wrote

He was also friends with Frankie Valli and Tommy DeVito, and introduced them to Bob Gaudio, leading to the creation of The Four Seasons.


t1_ixbeybb wrote

He also made a rap video, I don't remember it exactly but I think it was something to do with either getting his ass eaten, or eating girls asses out... Somethinhg about ass holes being eaten I'm pretty sure


t1_ixb78qc wrote

He also played golf every day before working on "Home Alone"!

He also seems to be becoming a daily fixture on TIL!

Because he's funny and he amuses us, like a clown!


t1_ixb3ibo wrote

Insert lame shoe shine joke anytime.


t1_ixb8jg8 wrote

On the morning that Daylight Savings Time ended I stopped in to visit my aging friend.

He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish.

I said to him, you better get your hearing checked, youre supposed to turn your clock back


t1_ixaxhl4 wrote

I knew this! They are some of my favorite facts!


t1_ixe43b4 wrote

You’re gonna be glad for that knowledge if you get held up by a mugger who says "You're going to die tonight unless you can tell me the name of the album Joe Pesci put out when he was a little kid."


t1_ixeyonl wrote

Hah, that's funny.

“What do you mean I’m funny? I'm funny how? I mean, funny like I am a clown?”

So, anyway, Jimi Hendrix and I started blasting...

(Sorry for mixing Danny in with Joe lol)


t1_ixex2x9 wrote

Take this stiff and pound it up your fucking ass! Hit me again!