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t1_iyd7alr wrote

actually ive seen a lot of his shit im just not a dick rider. the freestyling is impressive but its not like theres some interesting theme or message, its just a bunch of word play and random flexing. which is fine, but not “better than actual songs”


t1_iyd813d wrote

"Not a dick rider" ... Ok cool, but I'm not sure how it's dick riding to appreciate someone who is clearly talented. And I'm not really saying it's better than actual songs, sure it's better than a lot of songs but not storytelling. I'll give you that. But c'mon man, you've gotta admit he's damn good.


t1_iyd8qdg wrote

saying that his freestyles are better than actual songs is dick riding, sorry bro. hate to be the one to break it to you


t1_iydiqq8 wrote

You're calling em a dickrider but from how you're talking it seems like something might be shoved up your ass.


t1_iydjdc0 wrote

Someone likes something I don’t like: they are a dickrider and a simp. Someone doesn’t like something I do like: they are a hater and “triggered”


t1_iydlfqt wrote

I get what you are saying 100%.

Is Hmack good? Yes. Does he have talent? Yes. Is he impressive? Sure.

But his rhymes are shallow, and predictable which stems from the niche he has carved out for himself.

I have been listening to freestyle battles for the better part of two decades, because of this I know what words he is going to use and how he is going to tie them together from the get. The spontaneity and substance is missing, great freestylers can develop a narrative while also making up the lyrics, there is more to it than just braggadocios bars. There should be a cohesion that ties the whole thing together and not just trying to hit them with the next word. I remember when Em did his “any word” freestyle and I thought ‘sure that is dope, but it is missing something’ and compared to his other freestyles, it was.

Its a mismatched jigsaw puzzle that shared similar pieces with other mismatched jigsaw pieces. Instead of getting a good clear picture, you get a bunch of little pieces of a bunch of pictures that don’t form an cohesive image ^or ^song.


t1_iye84fz wrote

I think when he tries, like when he had to freestyle in front of Kendrick Lamar on a radio show that one time, Harry Mack can construct a freestyle of substance. But most of the time he isn't really putting all that much effort, which is quite impressive nonetheless.


t1_iyetmd8 wrote

I didn’t like his Kendrick freestyle that much, there is a few that I really enjoyed, but that isn’t one of them.

And upon re-reading my comment I feel like it was a bit too harsh on Hmack. I listen to his stuff regularly, and appreciate his skill. I also have heard some amazing freestyles that have some amazing punchlines that make me exclaim audibly, which he hasn’t done for me. I enjoy listening to him because he has a good time with the crowd he is with, and think he is a good dude who would be fun to hang out with, not because he is the best freestyler to exist.


t1_iydp84j wrote

“I have been listening to freestyle battles for the better part of two decades”

No one cares. You aren’t an expert.
