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skyandbray t1_ivke20l wrote


turbulance4 t1_ivkf57m wrote

I mean.. typically it's encrypted on any hardware. If someone has plaintext keys on their hard drive something has gone seriously wrong


skyandbray t1_ivkhqh0 wrote

Yup, means the feds came knocking 🤞. You've been lied to if you truly believe they can't get ahold of it if they want.


turbulance4 t1_ivkmma7 wrote

That's simply false. If you don't give up your keys they can't be forcibly taken from you.


skyandbray t1_ivkq1vz wrote

So when the subpoena comes, you're telling the feds to fuck off? Straight to prison? Okay.

As I said. If the feds want it, they'll get it. If its not the money, it's your freedom.


turbulance4 t1_ivkqxxa wrote

Yes exactly. I can choose prison. That is not true with dollars. The feds want your dollars they can reach into your bank without your permission. With BTC the feds can't force it, even if they are willing to go as far as killing you.


skyandbray t1_ivl0h85 wrote

Exactly. So you're going to prison or getting killed by the federal government before giving up your fake internet money? OK, Chad.

You guys are ridiculous lol. Don't you have an NFT scam you could be falling for right now?


turbulance4 t1_ivnlobo wrote

Why do you hate so much? Why does it bother you?

I don't really care that you don't seem to like BTC.


Pscilosopher t1_ivkmmak wrote

They can't. Even the feds are subject to the rules of mathematics, and that's how pgp keys work. There are cases out there where proper opsec has kept people out of jail.

If the feds decrypted his shit, they got his keys somehow. Either he turned them over or, and this is shockingly common, had them written down or on the device unencrypted.


skyandbray t1_ivkqeb5 wrote

Oh hey, congrats on overexplaining my comment for no reason 👍

> If the feds decrypted his shit, they got his keys somehow. Either he turned them over

When the feds bring the subpoena, you have two choices. Comply or face the music. If they want it, they'll get it. Your money or your freedom. Hence why I said "when the feds come knocking".


Pscilosopher t1_ivkr1l6 wrote

No, I was replying to the "if they want it, they'll get it" part of your comment. Up those reading comprehension skills👍🏽.

They will NOT get it, no matter how badly they want it, without the key. And you can hide your key. That's the third choice when the feds show up: don't have the key where they can find it.


skyandbray t1_ivl0xoo wrote

Get "it", means what they want. You going to prison to protect your subpoenad fake internet currency?

I'm sure there's some shitcoin you could go lose money "investing" in. Surely. Go do that instead of bothering me with missing the point. You crypto dorks are ridiculous lol. There's an NFT of a lizard with your name all over it.