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Lausn t1_ivlzcz2 wrote

As a student of philosophy, and not someone that listens to Joe Rogan, this is not a 'fact'. Plato described Atlantis based off of a the word of a relative. He didn't 'make it up' as he did, say, The Cave or The Republic. Instead he was recounting something he heard. This doesn't mean Atlantis as we think of it is actually real, but that Plato didn't just make it up to prove a point, because he is normally very explicit with the things he does make up.


Thenidhogg t1_ivmhsxu wrote

okay so Melville didn't "come up" with moby dick because he worked on a whaling boat? you really committed to that?

everyone has experiences nobody 'comes up' with anything if you're gonna be that strict about it.

plato wrote it down first so he 'made it up' or whatever.

nobody is suggesting it is some kind of hard core deductive Fact needed for launching a space shuttle...


Lausn t1_ivy9aqz wrote

What in the hell did I just read... you ok bud?