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Toloc42 t1_ivo31j1 wrote

I'm surprised at this comment section.

Usually right wing cultists will go for Lemuria as their chosen esoteric sunk island Utopia. Since they can make up way more random nonsense about it.

The historical truth behind Atlantis doesn't go beyond "natural disasters have destroyed islands"

There is NO evidence of Atlantis being anything but an allegory made by Plato. The references to it being based on ancient writings passed on through the millennia are made by, you may have guessed it, Plato himself.

He made up a debate among four guys, half of them likely entirely fictional, all of them in any case dead for 50 years at that point. He has them discuss how to make up a totally awesome society. One of them he has tell the others about an island empire that the guy read about in writings by another guy, who lived about 120 years before the debate. And who read about these in ancient histories that were thousands of years old when he visited Egypt. There is no evidence of either of those writings actually existing in any shape at any time.

That's about four levels of framing. Kinda like the beginning of Grand Budapest Hotel.

And that just what Atlantis is, it's a framing device to strengthen a point.

There is no evidence going beyond Plato.

The "history of Atlantis" reached Plato the same way from ancient sources as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were passed to Tolkien through Bilbo and Frodo Baggins.


NemosGhost t1_ivtiw8c wrote

>Usually right wing cultists

Wtf does "right wing" have to do with anything here?

Also, most people claimed Troy was entirely fictional until it was actually found.