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spidermanngp t1_iwmofls wrote

You just today learned that you'll shit your pants if you hold it too long?


SweetPrism OP t1_iwmzvkz wrote

This is a chronic condition wherein the sufferer is constantly leaking fecal fluid, or shitting randomly, due to fear of passing an extremely hard and painful bm. They don't ever go under normal circumstances. I read about a lady whose sons had it and they shit on the floor in church.


Acceptable-Cod7214 t1_iwn1oj1 wrote

Yes, and can also be a result of anxiety, depression or some developmental differences. The child may retain feces since she has learned the lessons of potty training all too well and fears being disciplined for going. Or the child is hyper-focused on a task and doesn't want to interrupt it by heading to the loo. Source: former primary school educator.


spidermanngp t1_iwnei3y wrote

Oh... Well that sounds awful. Guess I should've read it before spouting off. Sorry.