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DownwindLegday t1_ix8aqzs wrote

>The adobe brick pyramid stands 25 metres (82 ft)[3] above the surrounding plain, which is significantly shorter than the Great Pyramid of Giza's height of 146.6 metres (481 ft), but much wider, measuring 300 by 315 metres (984 by 1,033 ft) in its final form,[3] compared to the Great Pyramid's base dimensions of 230.3 by 230.3 metres (756 by 756 ft).[4]

That's cool, but I think when most people think 'largest pyramid' they are probably thinking of height, not volume.


watanerd t1_ix9lajc wrote

Yes. An Amazon warehouse might be larger in volume, but not as impressive as a skyscraper


Runswithshortshorts t1_ix8cfb7 wrote

Ehhh, idk. “Tallest” obviously means height, but “largest?” I definitely thought of a wider base structure when I heard “largest.” But then again, I’ve seen some indigenous ruins during my travels so maybe I was already primed for that.


NorthernerWuwu t1_ixam7un wrote

We generally use 'largest' to mean 'biggest' or most grandiose or something of that sort and building a 150m high pyramid is orders of magnitude harder than building a 25m high one an extra 75m long on each side. Hell, when it comes to pyramids the narrower the base to the height, the more challenging it is.