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stench_montana t1_ixawlct wrote

You're really framing this in a strawman way. He does at times suggest that leap, but he more often is pointing out valid evidence of structures that go against the modern timeline of progress and is saying the current timeline is incorrect. Gobekli Tepe and the megalithic templea at Malta are both worth studying much more and in my eyes are strong evidence to reconsider the timeline of human technological capability.


MaximilienHoneywell t1_ixb9cc7 wrote

To be fair, all Graham Hancock ever does is strawman “mainstream” archaeology.


stench_montana t1_ixbmecs wrote

He definitely makes too many leaps, like constantly. The whole "Let's talk about Atlantis" moment made me cringe during the series. There is some valid evidence of interesting things from longer ago than the 6000 years currently accepted.