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nim_opet t1_iycsiyu wrote

Basically humans (and other omnivores like pigs, chimps etc, not to mention the herbivores) grind their food with their molars (that’s why they have wide grinding surfaces). Dogs, canines in general and cats especially have teeth specialized to hold onto meat and shred strips before swallowing since there’s no need to grind cell walls (animal cells don’t have cell walls like plant ones).


KypDurron t1_iycthkd wrote

Ok but what does "chew side to side" mean? In terms of the motion of the jaws.


nim_opet t1_iyctp4f wrote

Your jaw can move up/down and side to side; like when you chew gum; that’s how grinding works. You don’t need majorly exaggerated left-right movement; simple up-down will also move it sideways across the molar surfaces


SweetInternetThings t1_iyd8dwr wrote

Grab something to eat... Now while you're eating. Do you notice yourself only chewing on one side of your mouth? Or do you move the food from one side to the other?