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renaldorini t1_ivrwcck wrote

I've been in a microburst before and it is the most insane thing ever. Would no recommend for anyone else to experience.


clutzycook t1_ivtiyc2 wrote

I was picking up my kids from school when one hit a few years ago. Couldn't see 2 feet in front of my car. I had to pull over and wait for it to pass. Got home and our power was out for the first time in almost 15 years.


Kierik t1_ivu2yx0 wrote

I was playing catch with the dog when I got pushed to the ground by one and looked up to see the trees tops in the back yard nearly touching the ground.


AgntSmecker t1_ivvco87 wrote

I wish Reagan would have experienced it.


fatamSC2 t1_ivvxduw wrote



adamcoe t1_ivvxw9i wrote

Nah, he was a real shithead. Not a super good actor either
