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PasswordisP4ssword t1_ivtij7o wrote

Huh? The record on Mt Washington (231 mph) was recorded with an anemometer in 1934.


Mundane-Ad-6874 t1_ivtvudg wrote

Microburst last for a few seconds and are inconsistent with surrounding wind speeds. They also go top to bottom rather than side to side like wind. That’s why they’re dangerous, they push planes down. I believe mt Washingtons was fastest sustained/recorded winds in the US. New record is Australia at 253mph. As a former pilot, they are scary as fuck. Thank god we have new warning systems. But they only buy you a minute or two of warning.


chop1125 t1_ivu3l66 wrote

The fastest measured wind speed (using Doppler) was 302 mph on May 3rd, 1999 in Moore Oklahoma.


jim_br t1_ivvnawq wrote

That caused me pause too. Perhaps the article was referring to a stereotypical anemometer with spinning cups, versus Mt Wash’s hot wire anemometer.