Plonsky2 t1_j1ca1vp wrote
Dogs smell better than we do.
weavebot t1_j1cdqk4 wrote
Humans are actually ridiculously good at smelling petrichor, that earthy smell before it rains. We're better at detecting that smell than sharks are at detecting blood in water. Why, I have no idea.
shodan13 t1_j1eqob7 wrote
Orbeef t1_j1cl0r6 wrote
Not if you bathe.
Scoobydoomed t1_j1cbkqy wrote
Yep, a dog can pick up a scent from up to 12 (yes twelve!) miles away.
shodan13 t1_j1eqs55 wrote
Wouldn't the concentration matter way more than the distance?
I can also smell a forest fire 12 miles away..
Scoobydoomed t1_j1et7s0 wrote
Sorry I mean the scent of a human.
shodan13 t1_j1evewo wrote
Ah, I see.
Thatguy0096 t1_j1dkf8a wrote
Dogs can smell the time of a scent. Way more brain involved there. We can just identify more smells.
theythatspeak OP t1_j1ca875 wrote
Dogs have around 300 million scent receptors, which is why they have such an acute sense of smell. We smell more scents, but less acutely.
Plonsky2 t1_j1drdnp wrote
Puppies smell nicer than we do.
SignificantTrout t1_j1cvvlt wrote
They have far more scent receptors and larger parts of their brains dedicated to their use.
Bcbulbchap t1_j1de8nl wrote
… especially before I’ve had a shower!
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