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Vikkly t1_iymj6tb wrote

That really showed me how backward that empire was- their whole military strategy was that Germany would fight on their side and yet they didn’t think to use the same gauge? Logistics much?


Nijajjuiy88 t1_iymm7yv wrote

Not just that, part of their country ran on different gauge, there were like 3 gauges iirc. Also the speed was limited to 10 km/h (lol a cycle is better) in order to avoid bottlenecks.

When they took their troops from Serbia and tried to move them to Galicia or something they nearly went around the country at this speed. Icing on the cake was that Austria declared to Germany that these troops were already present.


Vikkly t1_iymmjlv wrote

Jeez, much worse that I imagined.