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0000GKP t1_j245izq wrote

There are currently 2 people who have been there over 40 years and at least 10 people between the ages of 80-90.


InformationWide3044 t1_j246qf3 wrote

Once you pash a certain age threshold, you shouldn't be allowed to stand imo,


ElfMage83 t1_j24baxa wrote

Ten years in the House and two terms (twelve years) in the Senate, or twenty years total, plus mandatory retirement at 65.

If cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church are ineligible to join a papal conclave after they're 80 (they still remain as cardinals) then it makes sense for the much newer US Congress to follow a similar guide.


TeamGodzilla t1_j2592wv wrote



InformationWide3044 t1_j26a2c5 wrote

Because quite frankly many are living in the past and project these view points and dont have any empathy towards the current living generation and the issues they face, I understand some younger generations also don't have the necessary skills and experience to stand too but having the likes of presidents be ~80 years old seems insane to me

Don't get me wrong though this is towards both good and bad politicians whatever you're pallette prefers.


sneeps t1_j26saw5 wrote

Is that why they voted in George Santos?


IPutMyPantsOnForThis t1_j246dzm wrote

That number should be a lot higher.


ElfMage83 t1_j24arqu wrote

One representative for every thirty thousand, or at least implement the Wyoming Rule.

Also give the Delegate in DC a full voice, especially in light of the Wyoming Rule.


CyanideNow t1_j2b29rq wrote

Pretty sure this was an argument for term limits rather than an expansion.


Ktla75 t1_j25b0cu wrote

Santos is the first Jew-ish one!


herbw t1_j2en331 wrote

Mark Twain: The ONLY distinctly Criminal class in the US is Congress."" Nothing has changed in 140 yrs.


ouyin2000 t1_j23yya1 wrote

Imagine desiring and pursuing power over other people's lives.


ThunderCorg t1_j23pvgm wrote

12,000 assholes and 421 people who are not assholes yet
