
0000GKP t1_jeel7gg wrote

Sometimes I wipe the screen with my shirt or rub the phone on my pants leg to get smudges off of the screen. Thats the extent of my cleaning.


0000GKP t1_je4kxhu wrote

> These are the only states that legally allow Digital IDs - so whenever new states pass legislation.

Louisiana has been using a digital ID app since 2018. It has your driver’s license, hunting & fishing licenses, concealed carry permits, and vaccination records.

State law requires that the app be accepted for specific things and also soecifies certain things that it can’t be used for. As far as I know, there are no laws yet that make a digital ID valid in every state like a physical ID is.


0000GKP t1_jdoefjq wrote

Yes, you are supposed to do that. Then you go to Settings > Contacts and select your contact card for My Info.

This is how Reminders knows when you tell it to remind you of something when you get home. This is how Maps has the Home and Work buttons with the correct address. This is how people can find out who owns the phone they just found by asking Siri “whose phone is this?”


0000GKP t1_jdak0vk wrote

One of them potentially prevents your phone from getting damaged and saves you the time & trouble of getting it repaired.

The other keeps your out of pocket cost lower if you do need a repair since you have pre-paid part of the repair cost in premiums and will now only have to pay a deductible. It doesn’t do anything to help prevent damage though.

They are different products made to do different things. I don’t use either. I would choose AppleCare if I had to pick one because I can’t stand having a case on my phone.


0000GKP t1_ja30hrd wrote

iPhone: set time based reminders, set location based reminders, add items to grocery or other shopping lists

AppleTV: fast forward or rewind (fast forward 2 minutes), rewind + temporarily turn on closed captions if I can’t understand what someone said (what did he say?)

HomePod: turn on/off lights throughout the house, set time based reminders, set location based reminders, add items to grocery or other shopping lists, check outside temperature, ask if it’s going to rain, turn TV on/off, play music, unit conversions while I’m cooking (how many tablespoons in a cup?), ask what time a store opens/closes, ask when was the last time I did something (it checks your calendar)


0000GKP t1_j9ulcda wrote

Reply to comment by nrron in Anyway to disable SOS Calling? by shannannj7

The buttons bring up a slider for Emergency SOS. If you slide it, it automatically calls 911 without the user being required to manually press any digits on the phone dial pad. That is automated. That function is not required by law. Unfortunately there is no way to disable the slider.


0000GKP t1_j9ev6z0 wrote

> Bookishly, an online shop, chose Wednesdays off to avoid having three days in a row

Completely ruins the point for most workers. You’re not getting any additional consecutive time off compared to before, and you have two “Mondays” every week where you will spend part of your day off thinking about going back to work.

> Becoming a four-day operation can be hard in a five-day world

Your business can remain a 5 day operation with half the employees working M-Th and half working T-F. This keeps you fully staffed three days out of the week.


0000GKP t1_j98pfjh wrote

It’s hard to get a good sense of it since you can’t exclude apps. I don’t actually use Screen Time because of that.

My gym app is on the screen for an hour but I’m only looking at it and interacting with it for a few seconds between sets.

Maps is on whenever I’m in the car.

My timer app stays on screen while the timer is running unless I manually lock it.

I leave my phone on the kitchen counter with the Music app on screen all the time.

For the real time wasters like Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, I’d say 2-3 hours on a day where I have other stuff to do and more than that on a day like today where I laid around on the couch most of the day.


0000GKP t1_j9407rg wrote

This sounds miserable. Use your phone whenever you feel like it. Charge your battery whenever you want. If things get really bad in a few years from now and your battery doesn’t last, you can replace it for $50. It’s not a big deal.

I’ve had my phone for a little over 4 years. I charge overnight to 100% every night. I sit it on a wireless charging pad when I’m at my desk whether it needs it or not. I still get 5-6 hours on a charge. That’s pretty good for a 4 year old battery.


0000GKP t1_j8rkyd8 wrote

>For example, my microwave died and I didn’t want to drop all that $500 at once and I didn’t want to carry a balance on my credit card so I paid for it on my pay day using Pay in 4 with another system and it worked out.
>Another was with my car insurance. There’s a $430 discount for paying the premium up front vs monthly. So I just threw the whole thing on Pay in 4 and got the discounted rate.

Budgeting and saving take care of both of these.

I have a "home" category in my savings account. I throw a few dollars in there every month. There's enough to cover new appliances if they break.

I already know the annual premium for my car insurance is $1400. 1400/12 = $116, so that's how much I save into my car insurance category every month.


0000GKP t1_j6pgeqr wrote

The bars are very informative and present a lot of information at a glance. This is one of the things they got right.

Weather forecasts are never accurate 10 days out though, so I think that is wasted space. I’d prefer the option to choose 3, 5, or 7 days.


0000GKP t1_j6itgw9 wrote

I’m currently wearing Reef Phantoms. I’ve had them for 1 year and it seems like I will be able to get a second year but they do have visible wear already. This is my first time with this brand. I have not worn them in the water.

My previous 3 pair were Crocs Athens which I love, but they are hard to find in my size. These are not as comfortable as the Reefs, but are very durable. I wore them as daily use shoes, wading in the surf on the gulf coast, kayaking, and around the house.

I walk a couple miles per day on average in my flip flops which is probably more than most brands are built for.


0000GKP t1_j66g9j2 wrote

>1 cop and 1 DA releasing the details, and no less than 11 other officials standing around just to give them status. Seriously, go and solve a burglary or something.

Those people aren't the ones who investigate burglaries.


>As something who works in the private sector, if I stand around doing nothing I will get fired.

Because you are a low level nobody. Those are agency heads, elected officials, and other high ranking people that would do the firing.