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acallamhoftheocean t1_j1vle5m wrote

How could Australia have an American prime minister?

Even if you didn’t know, now you do know that Australians who hold dual citizenship are automatically disqualified from being elected into any federal seat in parliament.


Libtinard t1_j1vzg8h wrote

That’s only a recent thing. Australian politics used to be dominated by British ex pats. And Chinese people


twobit78 t1_j1wicdy wrote

Not that recent. Only the huge fight over it was recent.

Also ex pats are allowed, you don't need to be born here you just can't be duel citizen.


acallamhoftheocean t1_j1xv0bz wrote

How can you be this wrong? If you’ve lived in Australia your whole life this comment should embarrass you. Know your nation.


Libtinard t1_j1y939b wrote

I’m sorry I was misinformed. Only been to Australia once. Not Australian I mis remembered the news when the big row took place as the time they changed it. Sorry dude