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somoslupos t1_j185v6v wrote

“Jackie learned to light soldiers cigarettes and salute senior officers”


SFXBTPD t1_j196lcd wrote

Id probably take up smoking just to show that off. Or maybe just teach him to operate a bottle openner.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j1aaskq wrote

TIL that South Africa was involved in WW1

USA public schools skip over a lot of details in history class


adamcoe t1_j1ak30i wrote

He was a corporal? Damn, imagine being a private and having to salute him?


xX609s-hartXx t1_j1be1yh wrote

That's what you get for fraternising with humans!


dirty_ballbag t1_j1cxqw8 wrote

Turns out... Little monkey fella


BadBoyFTW t1_j1dth61 wrote

>Jackie spent time in the trenches in France where he tried to build a wall around himself during extreme enemy fire, but a piece of shrapnel from an explosion flew over the wall hitting Jackie in the leg and arm.

>When stretcher bearers tried to take Jackie away he refused, desperate to finish his wall and hide.

That's so awful.