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usrevenge t1_j1q5k7d wrote

Yea but most of us not only don't have that kind of money but couldn't even get that amount in a loan.

If I sold everything I had maxed out my credit cards and made applications for a few more I doubt I'd have 100k.


ZwischenzugZugzwang t1_j1q5n43 wrote

The Holocaust was bad.


gilly_90 t1_j1qlaj7 wrote

Hot take.


HammerandSickTatBro t1_j1rerin wrote

You joke, but holocaust deniers have been a staple of discussion in a bunch of places, and still wine and dine with former (or sometimes current!) heads of state now


Fskn t1_j1rebax wrote

You know what, I was on the fence but you've convinced me.


dementiadaddy t1_j1q7ndg wrote

Luckily we don’t have to escape the gestapo.


foozballisdevil t1_j1qg0db wrote

Don't they call themselves proud boys now?


the_blessed_unrest t1_j1rbsre wrote

Yeah except the proud boys are not nearly as bad. Like not even remotely close.


HammerandSickTatBro t1_j1rfman wrote

They have way less state-invested authority for sure. Not no authority (their buddies in police forces frequently let them get away with or condone shit like the intimidation and violence which the proud boys frequently engage in). The could develop into full blown deputized brown shirts pretty easily and quickly. But most branches of law enforcement in the u.s. and Canada already have secret police, and given the key part that police have played and are playing in the current fascist upsurge, I doubt they would require or allow the Proud Boys to encroach on their turf by becoming like the Gestapo.


nim_opet t1_j1sb5uk wrote

Texas is creating a register of transgendered people. Lists are easy to expand…


Johannes_P t1_j1s23u9 wrote

Freud had plenty supporters ready to crowdfund his escape.


Ok_Copy5217 OP t1_j1sjjsk wrote

imagine how much crowdfunding Freud would have raised and more lives saved if his supporters made a Freud Gofundme