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echochamber4liberals t1_j22dcfw wrote

How are you at -30? There aren't more females than men here... That's for sure. So that means many of your downvotes are from men. What kind of guy would downvote that? Not that I think men have bigger brains, there's no science to prove that. I think you know that, and I believe you're probably being sarcastic (although, this is reddit.), I find this humorous. To clarify, I haven't a sexist bone in my body, but this is funny.


WilliamGoat t1_j22dr8n wrote

Lol yea it's a joke. & a technicality b/c men are bigger. Doesnt correlate w/ intelligence necessarily but enough to butthurt the hivemind. Still funny!


Saif_Horny_And_Mad t1_j24h912 wrote

oh, right, you need to add /s at the end of a sarcastic joke on reddit, otherwise people will take it literally and downvote you to hell