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ItsHobag t1_j1zx9l8 wrote

My friend shot a short on that street 🤣

Edit: "Student film"


Landlubber77 t1_j1zxheu wrote

The 'Burbs is criminally underrated and lost to history.

"Satan is good, Satan is our pal, I want to kill ev-ry-one."

"Hey man, when's this happening, I gotta go to work."

"Hey man, piss off!"


FlametopFred t1_j1zyczm wrote

We've all been watching that street and other Hollywood backlots since we were kids

you can pretty much always tell, even when they change a facade or try a different camera angle

we know those curbs and those trees and that certain curve to the street or the natural lighting


sirbearus t1_j2003yr wrote

I re-watched Harvey this weekend. This was a cool and timely TIL.

Thank you.


bhillen83 t1_j203ts0 wrote

We just did the VIP backlot tour at Universal Hollywood a couple weeks ago. It was really neat seeing all the sets and getting out and walking around on some of them.


4Blu t1_j20vpfi wrote

Our housing stock is so old the set still looks contemporary.


tugging_me_softly t1_j20vy3p wrote

I work at the studio tour, this street is probably one of the most used sets on the backlot due to its versatility.

Netflix’s Never Have I Ever had the main family live on the street. Flash Gordon lived there in the Ted movies. Quantum Leap has been filming there. Bryan Cranstons character lived on the street in Why Him.


Madhamster321 t1_j215w64 wrote

The cave the batmobile exits in the 50’s show is in over 150 films and tv shows


Dontblamemedude t1_j21jfv2 wrote

i loved june cleaver i wanted her to be my mother instead of the one i really had i always imagine what it was like to come home and have a mother waiting for you and talk like they cared about you to live in a house like they did . but i got someone that thought using a belt was how to teach you math smack you up side the head when you had a ear ache and yell at you for hrs on end and tell you that it was your fault they wasn't the queen that they were meant to be . yup the beaver had it made