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ztreHdrahciR t1_j0wagvv wrote

In honor of the season, I wish you all ¡Belize Navidad!


absolutelyshafted t1_j0wl5dr wrote

Mesoamerican civilization is so fucking cool

For me, the fact that it was basically all in isolation makes it even cooler


whalehunter56 t1_j0wvezq wrote

What’s really crazy is that they never invented the wheel and still built that stuff


herbw t1_j0y0rqq wrote

We rather doubt an y can conduct a census on ancient maya to confirm such guesses, as the Maya can do today.


absolutelyshafted t1_j0y1cdr wrote

Such a massive L for the world and generations to come

Reading on the Aztecs and Mayans, it looked like they were on the verge of a massive political and technological breakthrough. Metal working was starting to become really common. The Mayans began producing codexes, literally written manuscripts and documents of their society with pictures and detailed descriptions. The major powers were slowly growing larger and consolidating the smaller nations around it.

If colonization happened like 200 years later, the natives may have been way more powerful and solid


radio_allah t1_j0y1it0 wrote

Considering what happened to China, India and Japan etc, the natives wouldn't have been solid enough. Even the best of the pre-gunpowder nations struggled against the Europeans, if we give both sides 200 more years I'm not sure if the natives would not be pounded into the ground even harder.


radio_allah t1_j0y1ukj wrote

As a history major, I think history would've been largely the same. The main thing you'd change would be Spain's rise, but Spain's rise was already pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, aside from flooding Europe in silver (that when we factor in modern economics, did not actually pay for anything) and being very important when it comes to native American history only.

But take away Spain and the Aztecs, and the consequence of the Renaissance, in turn the consequence of the Crusades, would still have been felt. And that's much more important to the rise of the west compared to the Spanish colonial efforts. It would still have happened, just with someone else as the poster boy. There are many factors at play in Europe's technological rise, and the presence or absence of the Spanish colonisation would have changed little of those factors.


Azeze1 t1_j0y8jfc wrote

I can hardly Belize it


dzzi t1_j0yf5du wrote

Never been to Caracol but Xubantunich was cool af to visit. Belize is a beautiful place with some really deep history.