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DishGroundbreaking87 t1_j0bgwtk wrote

If you run into one idiot, you ran into an idiot. If everyone you run into is an idiot, you’re the idiot.


extremophile69 t1_j0bh5jb wrote

What?! My neurologists are fine. The only idiots i ran into are you and op.


DishGroundbreaking87 t1_j0bhbch wrote

Then stop blaming them, me, op, and everyone else for your situation. Grow up.


extremophile69 t1_j0bhja5 wrote

When did I blame anyone? Your damaged brain stroking or what? I was just pointing out the gross oversimplification.


DishGroundbreaking87 t1_j0bir36 wrote

And being a dick about it.


extremophile69 t1_j0biz2y wrote

Just returning the favor, dude.


DishGroundbreaking87 t1_j0bj87y wrote

There was no favour. OP was not being a dick.


extremophile69 t1_j0bjfqc wrote

No he was just being a clueless idiot, repeating and spreading oversimplifications. You on the other hand are either real dense on purpose or a lot less clever than you think.